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منابع مشابه

Erzurum Sokak Köpeklerinde Dışkı Bakısına Göre Saptanan Gastrointestinal Helmintler

The purpose of this study was to determine the extensity of gastro-intestinal helminths in stray dogs in Erzurum province (Turkey). During the investigation, stool samples were collected from 172 dogs of diff erent ages and sex from dog housing of Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality at diff erent times and examined by Fulleborn fl otation and Benedek sedimentation methods. Helminth infection was ...

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Mustafa Kutlu’nun “akasyalar Açar Mi” Adli Hi̇kâyesi̇ni̇n Hermeneuti̇k(yorumsamacilik) Kuramina Göre Tahli̇li̇

MUSTAFA KUTLU’NUN “AKASYALAR AÇAR MI” ADLI HİKÂYESİNİN HERMENEUTİK(YORUMSAMACILIK) KURAMINA GÖRE TAHLİLİ Necati TONGA “Akasyalar Açar mı?” hikâyesi, Mustafa Kutlu’nun Yoksulluk İçimizde adlı eserinin ilk hikâyesidir. Yoksulluk İçimizde; Mustafa Kutlu’nun hikâyeciliğinin en olgun örneklerinden biri kabul edilir.1 Kutlu; bu eserinde Engin ve Süheylâ aşkı çerçevesinde kahramanlarda görülen sosya...

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Toz Metalurji̇si̇ Yöntemi̇ İle Alümi̇nyum Köpük Üreti̇mi̇ Procuction of Al Foams by Powder Metallurgy Route

In this study pure Al and pre-alloyed Al alloy powders (Alumix 231Al-Cu %2.5-Mg %0.5–Si %14) with or without reinforcing elements were used to produce classical Al foam or spherical Al foam with various production parameters by using powder metallurgy route and the results obtained have been discussed. Al2O3 and SiC particles were used as reinforcing elements and TiH2 powders were used as foami...

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İki Buzağıda Karşılaşın Anorektal Malformasyon İle Birlikte Gözlenen Kolovesikal ve Kolouretral Fistül Olgusu

This paper reports the evaluation of anorectal malformations with two different fistula in two calves. During clinical examination atresia ani and meconium coming from preputium was observed in both calves. Distention of intestines was viewed in radiological examination. Surgical treatment had been preferred in both calves. During surgery it was observed that colon was connected to the bladder ...

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Alternatörleri̇n Paralel Bağlanma İşlemi̇ni̇n Mi̇krodenetleyi̇ci̇ İle Gerçekleşti̇ri̇lmesi̇ Microcontroller Based Paralel Connection of Synchronous Generators

In this study, parallel connection of synchronous generators has been achieved automatically by the monitoring parallel connection conditions with the microcontroller. For this reason, two synchronous generators which are rotated with direct current motors have been connected in parallel. Firstly, the conditions required for parallel connection has been observed with measuring tools. Then, a mi...

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عنوان ژورنال: The Bulletin of Legal Medicine

سال: 2018

ISSN: 2149-4533,1300-865X

DOI: 10.17986/blm.2016241708